Obama's War
While Barack Obama campaigned for the presidency on an anti-war platform on Iraq, his administration has called for a major escalation of military operations in Afghanistan. This includes a troop surge as well as increased drone attacks over the border in Pakistan. While civilian deaths and displacement are rising, public support for the policy in many NATO countries is eroding. Democracy Now! speaks with grassroots activists, scholars, and journalists on the new administration’s developing policies in Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as the realities on the ground.
September 15, 2009: "As Obama Escalates War in Afghanistan, US Peace Activists Call for Near-Term Withdrawal of Foreign Groups
Next week, the Obama administration will unveil a report on whether US benchmarks for success in Afghanistan are being achieved. It’s widely believed President Obama will receive a military request to escalate the Afghan war with thousands of additional troops. The apparent congressional unease over a troop escalation comes near Friday’s eight-year anniversary of the vote authorizing the attack on Afghanistan. We speak to Norman Solomon of the Institute for Public Accuracy on his recent trip to Afghanistan and CODEPINK’s Medea Benjamin.
September 01, 2009: "As Pentagon Cancels Rendon Group Contract, US-NATO Spokesman in Afghanistan Defends Using Company to Profile Journalists
The Pentagon is canceling its contract with the private public relations firm The Rendon Group to produce background profiles of journalists seeking to cover the war. We speak with Col. Wayne Shanks, the public affairs officer for US and NATO forces in Afghanistan.
September 01, 2009: "Nir Rosen on the Growing Afghanistan War, Embedding and the ‘Counterinsurgency’ Doctrine in Washington
The commander of US forces in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, has submitted a long-awaited review of the Afghan war. The New York Times reports although McChrystal’s assessment doesn’t call for sending more US troops, it effectively lays the groundwork for such a request in the coming weeks. The assessment comes on the heels of the deadliest month for US troops in Afghanistan since the US invasion nearly eight years ago. We speak with independent journalist Nir Rosen, who recently returned from Afghanistan, where he embedded with US troops in Helmand Province.
August 25, 2009: "‘The Safe Haven Myth’–Harvard Prof. Stephen Walt Takes on Obama’s Justification for Escalating the Afghanistan War
Last week, President Obama defended the expansion of the war calling it a “war of necessity.” We speak with Harvard professor Stephen Walt who argues that the President’s ‘safe haven’ argument for expanding the US military presence in Afghanistan should be viewed with skepticism.
August 20, 2009: Afghanistan Holds National Elections Amidst Violence, Fraud Allegations, and Media Censorship
Millions of Afghans are voting in presidential and provincial elections today amid tight security and threats of violence from the Taliban. There are also widespread concerns about corruption, with reports of voting cards being openly sold and of candidates offering large bribes. We speak to independent journalist in Rick Rowley in northern Afghanistan and get analysis from radio host and author Sonali Kolhatkar.
August 11, 2009: David Wise: ‘The CIA, Licensed to Kill’
The U.S. drone attacks inside Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq have received bi-partisan support in Washington. And when the CIA disclosed the existence of an aborted secret assassination program last month, Congressional outrage centered around the fact that lawmakers weren’t properly informed. The open acceptance of assassination as a tool of U.S. policy can in part be explained by the fact it’s been going on for decades.
August 11, 2009: Former Advisor to Gen. Stanley McChrystal Calls For Moratorium on U.S. Drone Strikes in Pakistan
Andrew Exum is a former Army captain who has been openly critical of the drone attacks inside Pakistan. Exum served on active duty in the U.S. Army from 2000 until 2004, including two years leading a platoon of Army Rangers inside Iraq and Afghanistan. He recently returned from two months in Afghanistan where he served as part of the advisory team of the commander of U.S. troops there, General Stanley McChrystal.
July 13, 2009: Obama Calls for Probe into 2001 Massacre of at Least 2,000 Suspected Taliban POWs by US-Backed Afghan Warlord
President Obama’s comments follow initial statements from other officials in his administration Friday who said the Department of Defense and the FBI had no jurisdiction over the mass killing by a US-backed warlord, General Abdul Rashid Dostum.
June 24, 2009: Pakistani Opposition Politician Imran Khan on U.S. Drone Attacks, the ‘Massive Human Catastrophe’ in the Swat Valley and the Escalation of War in Afghanistan
We speak with Pakistani opposition figure and cricketing legend Imran Khan, the leader of the political party known as the Movement for justice. Khan has been an outspoken critic of both U.S. drone attacks as well as the Pakistani military’s offensive against the Taliban.
May 11, 2009: Conservative Historian Andrew Bacevich Warns Against Obama’s Escalation of War in Afghanistan And Intensifying Use of Air Power in Region
Less than a week after US air strikes killed over a hundred Afghan civilians, President Obama’s top security adviser General James Jones said Sunday that the US will continue its strikes in Afghanistan. Despite sharp criticism about rising civilian casualties from Afghan President Hamid Karzai. We speak to Boston University professor and retired military colonel Andrew Bacevich about why Obama’s plans in Afghanistan and Pakistan are counterproductive.
May 07, 2009: Manan Ahmed on the Politics of US “Hysteria” over Pakistan
As a truce between the Pakistani government and the Taliban collapses, clashes between the two sides have forced tens of thousands to flee Pakistan’s Swat Valley. We speak to University of Chicago historian Manan Ahmed about the distinction between legitimate and overblown concerns about Pakistan’s internal unrest. While US political culture has focused on the Taliban, it’s taken for granted the legitimacy of the US-backed Zardari government and US drone attacks that have killed hundreds of Pakistanis.
May 06, 2009: ‘The Crusade for a Christian Military’: Are US Forces Trying to Convert Afghans to Christianity?
The military is denying it allows its soldiers to proselytize to Afghans, following the release of footage showing US soldiers in Afghanistan discussing how to distribute Bibles translated into Pashto and Dari. We speak to Air Force veteran and former Reagan administration counsel Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, and journalist Jeff Sharlet, author of a Harper’s Magazine article on “The Crusade for a Christian Military.”
May 06, 2009: Up to 150 Afghan Civilians Killed in US Attack on Western Province
Dozens of Afghan civilians have been killed in what may be one of the deadliest US bombings of Afghanistan to date.
May 05, 2009: Senator Russ Feingold on Obama’s Escalation of the War in Afghanistan, Torture, State Secrets and Single-Payer Health Care
President Obama’s first 100 days in office was the subject of much scrutiny last week. Pundits offered analysis, criticisms and even grades on the President’s record so far on a range of issues such as the economy, the environment and healthcare reform. But what about other issues like torture, wiretapping, his use of the State Secrets Act, and his plans for the withdrawal from Iraq and the escalation of the war in Afghanistan? We speak to Senator Russ Feingold (D-Wisc.).
April 03, 2009: Noam Chomsky on US Expansion of Afghan Occupation, the Uses of NATO, and What Obama Should Do in Israel-Palestine
We speak to Noam Chomsky, prolific author and Institute Professor Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As NATO leaders gather for a sixtieth anniversary summit in France, Chomsky says, “The obvious question is, why bother celebrating NATO at all? In fact, why does it exist?” Chomsky also analyzes the Obama administration’s escalation of the Afghanistan occupation and reacts to the new Netanyahu government in Israel.
April 02, 2009: After G20, Mass Protests Await Obama at NATO Meeting
After the G20 talks, President Obama will stop in France and Germany to take part in a NATO summit marking its sixtieth anniversary. Mass demonstrations are expected with thousands of protesters from over twenty European countries and the United States.
March 26, 2009: Afghans Urge Obama to Send Aid, Not Troops, to Afghanistan
President Obama is expected to unveil a revised Afghanistan strategy Friday that will focus on expanding and improving the Afghan national police force. We speak with Pratap Chatterjee of CorpWatch, who recently traveled to Afghanistan.
March 17, 2009: ‘Engaging the Muslim World’–Middle East Analyst Juan Cole on US Policy in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Israel and Beyond
Juan Cole, a longtime analyst of US-Mideast affairs and a professor of history at the University of Michigan, takes an in-depth look at US foreign policy under the Obama administration, from the plan for withdrawal from Iraq, to the escalation of the war in Afghanistan, the continued US drone attacks inside Pakistan, US policy toward Israel and the Occupied Territories and much more.
March 10, 2009: ‘Sending More Troops Will Not Solve the Problem”–Grassroots Afghan Activist Rangina Hamidi’
Vice President Joe Biden is in Brussels today to get NATO allies to support the US surge in Afghanistan with more troops. We go to Kandahar to speak with grassroots Afghan activist, Rangina Hamidi.
February 23, 2009: Obama’s War: US Involvement in Afghanistan, Past, Present & Future
Last week, Obama ordered an additional 17,000 US combat troops to Afghanistan. The new deployments will begin in May and increase the US occupation force to 55,000. Today, we spend the hour looking at US involvement in Afghanistan with five guests.
January 30, 2009: Obama Continues Bush Policy of Deadly Air Strikes in Pakistan
In Pakistan, outrage continues to mount over a US military attack approved by President Obama. Last Friday, unmanned US Predator drones fired missiles at houses in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas, or FATA, killing as many as twenty-two people, including at least three children. We speak to Pakistani scholar Sahar Shafqat.
November 06, 2008: President-Elect Obama and the Future of US Foreign Policy: A Roundtable Discussion
Congratulations pour in from around the world for President-elect Barack Obama after his historic victory Tuesday night. But what are Obama’s foreign policy positions, and what are the concerns for those living in countries at the target end of US foreign policy? We host a roundtable discussion.
September 08, 2008: US, NATO Air Strikes Triple Civilians Deaths in Afghanistan
Civilian deaths in Afghanistan from US and NATO air strikes have nearly tripled from 2006 to 2007, according to a new report by Human Rights Watch. Air strikes killed at least 321 civilians in 2007, compared with at least 116 in 2006.
August 27, 2008: In Wake of Deadly US Air Strike, Jeremy Scahill Questions Lawmakers About Obama’s Afghanistan Policy
A UN probe in Afghanistan has backed claims of a massive civilian death toll from a US air strike last Thursday. The UN mission in Kabul says investigators found some ninety civilians, including sixty children, were killed in the attack.
August 22, 2008: Afghan Civilians Bear the Brunt of Taliban Violence and US, NATO Bombings
As violence escalates in Afghanistan, both Barack Obama and John McCain support sending more troops. “Both of them are wrong,” says Sonali Kolhatkar, host of Uprising on Pacifica radio station KPFK and co-author of the book Bleeding Afghanistan.
July 24, 2008: The Forgotten War: Sonali Kolhatkar on Why Afghanistan is ‘Just as Bad as Iraq’
Coming on the heels of Barack Obama’s highly publicized visit to Afghanistan—what he calls a central front in the so-called war on terror—we play an address by Pacifica radio host Sonali Kolhatkar, one of this country’s leading voices against the occupation of Afghanistan and co-author of the book ‘Bleeding Afghanistan’*"
lördag 17 oktober 2009
måndag 17 augusti 2009
detoxing mind, soul and finally body

Detox..yepp thts the topic..Känner att om man ändå är i gång och renar själen kan man passa på rensa kroppen..mind body and soul it all comes together in square 1..Yes, jag ska påbörja min detox behandling snarast imorgon..its not gonna be pretty men jag får helt enkelt bita ihop och ta allt skit jag och mina förfäder har stoppat i oss for centuries.
Har gjort lite research och läst runt lite och smått experimenterat näring, kost, gifter, stimulantia, orsaker till sjukdom osv (ni vet all tht health stuff som vanligtvis verkar långtråkigt)..and it really opened my eyes..Vi stoppar i oss massa bullshit varje dag. Bullshit som ser till att vi dör unga, får massa onödiga sjukdomar , har aggressioner i onödan, och helt enkelt lever osunt. Inom sjukvården blir fler och fler läkare frustrerade för att folk aldrig blir riktigt friska. Jo det är för att det enda man får ifrån läkaren är symtomlindring. symtomlindring botar inte jack shit..det bara lägger ett plåster för tilfället..the real problem can only be trated by changin wat we put into us..konserverings medel, pesticids, all oorganiskt kött som fått medel så dem kan växa snabbare n wat not..all this shit is a everyday for most of us..och vi tror att det är helt normalt att äta alla dessa toxiner, och enormt farliga gifter som inte alls tillhör hemma innuti våra tarmar..att stoppa i oss såna saker är som att köra in en riktigt tung metall bit all up in your ass tills den når tarmarna och levern..
my body is a cliche as that might sound..det är faktiskt sant..Jag kan inte förstå att jag stoppat i mig så mycket skit for so long..but not anymore..ive decided to try n make a little change at a time..Jag har dock försökt att utesluta kött helt och hållet förr och bli vegetarian men det är inte så lätt med en asiatisk mamma som gör indisk mat varje det känns inte lika svår längre..jag har fått sån avsmak för kött..kanske äter kött engång om månaden or even less nuförtiden..kött ät det värsta man kan äta..allt man sprutar in i djuren äter människan och det går direkt till levern and remember levern är kroppens fisk däremot är svårare att motstå tycker jag men som tur är det inte lika dåligt..utan bara vissa fisker har toxiner , fiskpinnar och sånt man hittar på ordinarie matbutiker..i live on sea food, världen skulle gå under om jag fick utesluta detta helt :)
Jag ska inte göra något drastiskt alls utan bara ta pytte steg..har redan börjat med RAAAW food(love saying tht word lol) before every meal..bara det har gjort skillnad känner jag..RAAAW food(lol) for those who dont know betyder rå föda, altså frukter och grönsaker som inte tillagas på något sätt utan bara äts rå. Det kan faktiskt bli ganska gott om man förbereder det på roliga sätt..i know the thought of living without meat with only plants seems terrifying to many men tänk så här - argentina är känt för att ha världens mesta och bästa kött men vad dem flesta inte visste är också att argentina är även landet där reumatism drabbar som mest..reumatism är en hemsk sjukdom som ingen förtjänar att leva med..
jag är inte alls bra på att förklara hela theorin ordenligt men jag tycker ni ska ta och läsa regnbågscentrets diethäfte istället, den är bara på 22 sidor men 22 väldigt insiktsfulla sidor..tror man kan printa ut den på nätet eller nåt,,google ur way around..
och till sist håll tummarna för mig nu.. :)
"välmående är en passion"
söndag 24 maj 2009
alla världens problem kan vänta

you need to solve you before u try others. We need to solve us before we try them. Du kommer inte lösa något utav världens gåtor om du inte löst din egen. Du kommer inte kunna påverka andra om du inte kan påverka dig. Du kommer inte kunna befria andra ifrån konflikter, om du inte befriat dig själv ifrån dina..Vi kommer inte kunna väcka andra om vi själva inte ens vaknat..halvägs räknas gotta go all the way..Most of us dont know ourselves...we know the suit we are wearing, the suit the world is seing..the suit the world is seing us wearing..and it dosnt have to be a bad thing, you cant help what suit you are wearing..our parents didnt teach us because they wernt taught either.. but my friends the suit is just the cover..if you for a minute visit whats beneath that will find treasure..treasure that NOBODY can ever bring to you..happiness that is that will follow you all your life..light that will shine above you, beside you, under you, inside you forever..only if you went beneath and knew you..
You dont know know you but not the authentic you..the part of you that is, deep down, the most real part of you that you can possibly find.
Det här kanske inte angår dig, du kanske inte håller du tror du vet, känner, kan dig själv..well think again
We cannot forever hide the truth about ourselves, from ourselves."- John McCain
tisdag 12 maj 2009
just watch
söndag 26 april 2009
weak, vulnerable souls..
my mind cries for the vulnerable, hurt souls..i cry for the minds without water..the souls that never ask for anything in return..the souls that just give give and give..the souls that love unconditionally..without barriers without boundaries. the souls that keep loving though they have been hurt again and again. the souls that are weak, so weak..not weak in a bad way, weak in a loving way. weak like a new born baby way. These vulnerable loving givers just keep on giving while the takers, the thiefs just keep taking and sucking out every inch of energi the giver has. I just see them bein hurt and there is nothing i can do about it and it kills me to watch..kills me to see them being killed..their soul being washed the end there is nothing but a empty piece of flesh. Nothing is fair in this life..nothing is..while some can sit in their 8star hotell apartment others die of thirst..while some throw food worth billions others die of hunger..while some are loved others just vice versa..i pray to the earth for these souls..especially for the woman who gave me the greatest gift..Ma
söndag 15 mars 2009
My affirmation

I am in peace with myself and others!
I have unlimited potential!
I love and aproove myself!
I will become whatever i want to!
I will earn all that i want!
My inner and outer beauty grows everyday!
I grow spiritually every minute!
I am surrounded by beauty and joy!
I am harmony i am no mind!
I am in a honest, harmonious, loving, learnful, happy relationship!
My inner happiness is present and visible everyday!
My knowledge and wisdom grows everyday!
I will have a beautiful house by the beach with a huge balcony with a swing and a ocean view to die for!
The next ten years of my life will be the best years ever to experience so far!
this is my little affirmation of the things i want and the things i already have..I think everyone should create one.. it really works! remember man becomes what he thinks about..Your thoughts attract whatever you want! start vizualizing and you will see :)
I have unlimited potential!
I love and aproove myself!
I will become whatever i want to!
I will earn all that i want!
My inner and outer beauty grows everyday!
I grow spiritually every minute!
I am surrounded by beauty and joy!
I am harmony i am no mind!
I am in a honest, harmonious, loving, learnful, happy relationship!
My inner happiness is present and visible everyday!
My knowledge and wisdom grows everyday!
I will have a beautiful house by the beach with a huge balcony with a swing and a ocean view to die for!
The next ten years of my life will be the best years ever to experience so far!
this is my little affirmation of the things i want and the things i already have..I think everyone should create one.. it really works! remember man becomes what he thinks about..Your thoughts attract whatever you want! start vizualizing and you will see :)
tisdag 24 februari 2009
hello london

my fellow few but very very special readers have asked me to update :) here i go fast att huvudet är lite stressad just nu och kan inte komma på en descent topic so i guess i will just babbla på..hmm här sitter jag med nyvaxade ben lol haha och ska snart in i duschen sen do some last packings before 13.20 då jag tar min tunnelbana..ska tydligen till london today :)..very excited and happy about it..längtat för att komma bort..need it badly..unfortunatly kommer jag hem om en vecka..önska det var 2 eller tyvär bara 1..
ska bli skönt att se lite gladare ansikten..mer livsglädje..o helt enkelt roligare människor..a very vibrant city with a hell of a lot to offer one..så många kulturer o så många olika typer av människor, mat osv går ihop tilsammans och lever hand i london :) En vacker stad som har mig att erbjuda myyyyycket mer än sverige :) Jag vill tipsa allla att ta en sväng ditt..min biljett kostade mig endast 10 taxes included til o med..10 spenn fram och tilbaka med ryanair..mina tjejer kommer till mig på fredag :) och vi ska fira min vänninas 21års dag..we are goin to a strippcluubbbb the first night ..ser mycket fram emot en lapdance och nej inte från en äcklig male stripper med tajta kallingar haha utan från en talanted kvinna.. ;)..sen blir det massa shopping också i guess vi e trots allt 8 tjejer på fredag..tooo much female hormons almost a bit anxious..min käre vän jennifer kan vara lite våldsam ibland när hon har fått i sig några glas och våldsam får man icke vara i londons klubbar i tell ya , tjejerna där går runt med baazookas och stora machetes i u do NOT mess wit english girls hahah..nämen serioust jag varnar er tjejer som ska åka ditt någongång i livet..dem ser oss utlänningar som hot verkar det som..hatar på en som fan :) but hate is just the name love is the actual game LOL
aja nu har jag rabblat upp enough shit im out..
love and light
onsdag 18 februari 2009
The world makes way for those who know where they are goin

im so fed up with everything. The vibe of this country has been goin down raaapidly for me, waaay too fast! Jag är trött på precis allt i det här landet. Jag vill vara positiv jag vill vare hopefull men ibland blir det bara så svårt. Jag är omkringad av människor som inte har mål, ambition, vilja eller något annat. Människor har fått det så lätt för sig här i sverige så ingen gör någonting. Man sitter hemma och får mat på bordet varje dag, gratis sjukvård n wat not så man bara utnyttjar allting vilket man skall göra but for gods sake dont loose your hopes, dreams n ambitions. Människor har glömt hur man ska drömma och vissa kanske kan drömma men har absolut ingen aning om hur drömmen blir verklighet. Alla bara ligger hemma och blir 25, 26 bast och bor kvar med mamma utan att ha gjort något med sitt liv. Jag vill verkligen inte döma, the last thing i wanna be is judgemental men jag blir bara så sorgsen när jag tänker på sånt. I know everyone has their own path to follow. Men Sverige har barnbehandlat oss så länge att ungdomar inte gör ett shit längre. WE HAVE FUCKIN FREE EDUCATION! Fan folk i Bangladesh och andra LEDCs skulle göra allt just to attend 1 fucking school day. Och vi har gratis utbildning så läänge du vill men ändå så utnyttjar inte ungdommar detta. Im so tired of lazy people and im so tired of this country. I need a fly away..flyy härifrån..komma bort från allt..Jag lär nog sakna hem but i will happily know that i finally did out..Jag förstår inte vart allt strävan och drömmar tagit vägen? where are they..vart e glöden, vart e livs glädjen. Jag blir så deprimerad när jag sätter mig på tunnelbanan varje morgon och sitter bland människor som bara sitter där som robotar..ibland kan jag se in i deras själar..jag kan se hur mörkt det är..allt känns bara så mörkt i det här landet..jag vet att jag kommer få massa hat kommentarer och massa som inte alls tycker som jag gör but i cant change my should i change it?
dont get me wrong. Jag uppskattar mycket sverige gjort för mig och alla benefits jag fått härifrån..Men sen är det en stor del som tryckt ner mig hela tiden..i have been this close to loosing my dreams n hopes o blivit en i mä som tur så överlevde jag den backen..dem flesta, iallafall dem flesta jag känner häromkring skiter verkligen i att göra jack shit ..n eventually end up where they didnt plan to..i think this is so sad..Att göra något med sitt liv kanske inte är något för alla but ive seen waaay too many people end up where they dont really wanna be..sorgsen och på en plats där försent räknas
dont get me wrong. Jag uppskattar mycket sverige gjort för mig och alla benefits jag fått härifrån..Men sen är det en stor del som tryckt ner mig hela tiden..i have been this close to loosing my dreams n hopes o blivit en i mä som tur så överlevde jag den backen..dem flesta, iallafall dem flesta jag känner häromkring skiter verkligen i att göra jack shit ..n eventually end up where they didnt plan to..i think this is so sad..Att göra något med sitt liv kanske inte är något för alla but ive seen waaay too many people end up where they dont really wanna be..sorgsen och på en plats där försent räknas
fredag 13 februari 2009
are you overwelmed to be in the center of you?
this speaks the deepest, most complex, the most pure language in my in love wit this song...give it a listen all you mellow flowers out there
onsdag 11 februari 2009
you dont see me

you see me but you dont. you feel me but you dont. u think you know but you dont. you cant feel my misery you cant feel my true joy. you dont understand my minds language you dont understand my colours. you dont know how to taste me you dont know how to listen to me. you dont get my true essence, you dont see my true nature.. still you want to know but you really dont..still i want to leave but i dont. you dont see my inside. u dont know my deepest dreams.u dont see my darkest want to know but you dont because u dont know how to know and i cant teach you how to know because you dont see me..but still i dont know how to leave
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